People Believe David Beckham’s Relationship With His 12-Year-Old Daughter Is Inappropriate

3 months ago

David Beckham has once again faced criticism, this time focusing on his relationship with his 12-year-old daughter, Harper. People believe that their relationship goes beyond the boundaries typically accepted between a father and daughter. They advise the footballer to accept the fact that his daughter is growing up.

Rebecca Blackwell/Associated Press/East News

The 49-year-old star, who co-owns the club, hoped his 12-year-old daughter, Harper, would bring him luck in the MLS match. Despite his hopes, Beckham’s team only managed a draw.

That said, David and Harper looked still in high spirits as they were photographed smiling and enjoying the day.

Rebecca Blackwell/Associated Press/East News

Beckham seemed upbeat for the majority of the match, exuding style in a navy blue suit complemented by a coordinating T-shirt.

Harper channeled her fashion designer mother, Victoria, by wearing a stylish pink T-shirt and jeans. She completed her look with a chic, small yellow handbag.


Demonstrating his pride as a father, he affectionately hugged Harper while they observed the action on the field, their shared laughter highlighting their close bond.

The 12-year-old also snuggled up to her famous dad, and looked as she was thoroughly enjoying the match.

So many fans online admired the strong connection between the dad and his daughter. One person remarked, ’’She seems nice, and he seems like a fantastic father,’’ while another noted, ’’I love how adored she is by her father. Must be nice being the youngest girl with 3 older brothers.’’


However, others disagreed with the way David was showing his affection. A user wrote, ’’Beckham needs to realize that his daughter is growing fast. He cannot hug her the same way he did when she was 5.’’ Someone else added, ’’Cringeworthy pictures... she looks about 18, it looks totally inappropriate.’’ “Leave her be for 5 mins.” “Give your child a cuddle, but when it’s too over the top, especially at a certain age it’s a bit too much.”

David Beckham is not being criticized for the first time for his parenting of his daughter. The footballer often kisses Harper on the lips, which people find strange. David even had to respond to the accusations. “I’m very affectionate with the kids. It’s how I was brought up and Victoria, and it’s how we are with our children,” he said. “We want to show our kids love, and you know, we’re very affectionate with them,” he added.

“I got criticized for kissing my daughter on the lips. I kiss all my kids on the lips. Brooklyn, maybe not. Brooklyn’s 18, he might find that a little bit strange,” he previously shared.

As per Beckham, his four children have not shown an interest in following in his footsteps and pursuing a career in football. He wholeheartedly supports their individual choices and believes in not imposing any particular path on them. Beckham emphasizes the significance of providing love, support, and encouragement to his children. He and his wife have always backed their kids in whatever endeavors they wish to pursue.

Not long ago, the girl herself was at the center of a scandal. For her 12th birthday celebration, she chose a slip dress that people found too revealing for her age.

Preview photo credit davidbeckham / Instagram, CHRIS ARJOON/AFP/East News


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