Being a woman, not just in the modern era, but in any era, holds its very own and distinct challenges. From getting your period every single month to trying to have a nice beauty routine to getting pregnant, life never stops presenting difficulties to them. Throughout everything, they manage to deal with every hardship and, thanks to these digital artists, we draw a clearer picture of what being a woman looks and feels like.
1. When you decide to paint your own nails.
2. When you have to wear a strapless bra to show your beautiful back.
3. When you’re pregnant and everything that falls to the ground is history.
4. When you buy a new red lipstick but figure that it’s not as nice as you thought.
5. When you decide to make a nice dinner for yourself.
6. When you’re tall people always tell you to move.
7. When you chose XS instead of S hoping your diet worked.
8. When someone tags you to their picture.
9. When you spend an hour trying to curl your hair.
10. When you’re tall, wearing high heels feels like a crime.
11. When you start doubting that all your beauty products actually work.
12. When you buy a subscription to yoga classes and have to force yourself to go after work.
13. When you’re pregnant, high heels cease to exist for you.
14. When your deodorant is visible on every item of clothing you own.
Women in today’s era have to deal with a lot of things, including double standards. They have to make so many sacrifices and especially when they get pregnant and have to deal with multiple things at the same time.