15+ Sneaky Double Standards That Are Still Holding Us Back

3 months ago

In our daily lives, we often come across situations where the same actions are judged or treated very differently depending on who is performing them. These double standards are so ingrained in our society that, at times, we don’t even notice them. Whether it’s how we view gender roles, personal choices, or even appearance, these discrepancies can shape our perceptions, create divisions, and perpetuate inequality.

Let’s take a closer look at 15+ double standards we all encounter — and why it’s time to challenge them.

1. Society embraces the ’dad bod’ but criticizes curvier women.

2. Body in advertising is celebrated, but judged in real life.

3. Women downplay their income while men exaggerate it on the first date.

4. Women are held to stricter beauty standards than men.

5. Women are encouraged to express their emotions, but men are told to “man up”.

6. Women are expected to do more household chores than men.

7. Men are assumed to be better at electronics and appliances than women.

8. It’s considered acceptable to comment on thin bodies, but not on larger ones.

9. Men are expected to be the primary breadwinners, but women’s financial contributions are often overlooked.

10. Leadership styles are viewed differently in men and women.

11. It’s still considered taboo for women to buy hygiene products from a male cashier.

12. The main indicator of success for women is their family, while it’s professional achievements for men.

13. Handsome men get away with more in the workplace.

14. Men are celebrated for their success, but women are often seen as needing help.

15. Parents hold different expectations for their sons and daughters’ success.

16. Society judges men’s sexual history differently from women’s.

17. Pregnancy bodies are celebrated, but postpartum bodies are criticized.

But double standards aren’t the only things holding us back. We’re also surrounded by outdated stereotypes that affect how we raise our kids. Want to know which ones you might be guilty of? Check out our next article.


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