#2 is obviously professional make-up as it's softer, more carefully applied without appearing to 'try' ... The lips are far more flattering colour & the foundation has more 'life' in it. Her eyes, although naturally very pretty, look softer & more natural even though there's liner & mascara on the lower waterline & lashes.
16 Girls Compared Their Everyday Makeup With That of a Professional, and It’s Hard to Tell Which One Is Better
One of the moments that excites people the most is having an appointment with a beauty specialist. Normally, you leave the salon with a self-esteem that’s sky high. Makeup artist Julia Ismailova, however, shows that there are some lucky people with great makeup skills themselves. Her idea is to show a photo of a girl with her usual makeup and another one after the same girl went to her.
At Now I’ve Seen Everything, we’ve compiled a series of images to compare the results of a few girls makeup when done by themselves versus when done by a pro.
“The first thing that caught my eye was her eyeliner: perfectly drawn, very solid, but very heavy and rough; she is incredibly beautiful and her skin is even, but underneath a good layer of a yellowish toned base. Well, here’s the result we got.”
“To be honest, there wasn’t much to correct here: both the foundation and lipstick were in their proper shades. However, the liner I had slightly gave the eyes the effect of ’droopy eyelids’, so a soft shading on the upper and lower lids elongated and lifted the outer corners of the eyes.”
“I always sense whether my clients’ make-up habits will change after getting a makeover with me or whether everything will remain as before for them. It’s especially nice when real inner changes occur after such inspiring meetings. And this is exactly what happened with Nastya.”
“To improve the appearance of the skin, first of all, I always do a full cosmetic treatment. That takes about 15 minutes, but gives an amazing result. Secondly, instead of applying a layer of tonal foundation, I prefer to use color correctors to create the effect of clean and even skin. Thanks to this, you can achieve a very subtle and natural tone to the max.”

Oh wow! Quite a difference. I think that the natural 'style' of this young woman is more 'radical' (not sure what they call it these days), but she obviously likes the dark colours & heavy liner, etc. The #2 is very soft & 'pretty' but I doubt that your client will continue with this softer style of make-up. I also think that the slight uplift of the wing tips on her eyeliner looks cute on her young face.
“Perhaps the make-up I did does not reflect the inner state of the girl, and I do not usually ’bend’ people’s will. But in this case, I could not restrain myself and, imperatively, I wanted to make a woman vampire look like a heavenly fairy, soft and young.”

I agree with the colours used for the skin/foundation/blush & the softening of the eyes with a thinner eye-liner. You've managed to 'lift' her whole face by adding warmth & light to it, along with a very pretty lip colour & gloss.
“The pencil liner in the ’before’ photo hardens the look and just creates the feeling of ’sad’ eyes. I made the eyebrows slightly lighter and added warmth to the face with the help of blush and coppery shadows.”

Yes, a very pretty lady. The added mascara to the tips of her top lashes makes a difference as does the tiny pencil to just the start of the lower waterline. The better foundation coverage softened the skin-tone and that tiny added dimension of the highlighter to her skin also softened the skin-tone, whilst keeping her very natural looking. I liked the gloss on her slightly softer pinkier lips, and the gloss just added more light to her whole face. The eyebrows don't appear to be an issue here ... and I'm sure that as she gets older, she'll be glad that she didn't pluck her brows ... unless she has 'a middle brow'. Adding a little fullness in the hair around the top of her face also opened it up ... I'd Love to see her with 'bangs', or as we call them here in Australia, a fringe! She already has stunning eyes & a fringe would have them jumping right out!!
“Ksenia told me that she doesn’t like to paint her eyelashes and prefers lipsticks of darker shades and browns, and most importantly, she doesn’t trust highlighters for the face. She fears that her skin will look oily because of them. Personally, I was a bit bothered by the hairs between her eyebrows, which were a bit too much and gave her too much roughness.... But that was it, she’s beautiful like a girl on the cover of a fashion magazine! I proposed my ’version’ of her daily make-up and, judging by the number of selfies, the smile and the sparkle in her eyes, my project was a success!”
“Lena’s main request was to create a corporate image that would help her make the right impression at business meetings. ’They perceive me as a child,’ she complained.”

The slight hair height & move of the 'parting' had a softening effect, as did the pretty full skin coverage, along with the slight change of tone. Brightening in the skin had a big softening impact, as did the use of a little less darkness under the eyes. Her new soft berry lips are also very flattering.
If this lady wanted to go even softer ... say from the 'matriarch' or Queen to give the appearance of the Princess of the jungle (whilst retaining her hidden strong 'inner core'), a fringe, or bangs would have the instant effect! The current style is more like a lion on the jungle ... whereas a fringe is softening on the features & gives a more youthful appearance. That's my only additional suggestion for this very attractive lady.
“My heroine is strong, tenacious, with an unshakable inner core. Such women often lock themselves into certain kinds of ’margins,’ for example, into some kind of colorimetry margin in makeup, and that seems unnecessary to me. I don’t understand why people divide themselves into ’warm’ or ’cool’ type of people. My task this time was to create a ’soft’ look. In my opinion, I was able to achieve it.”
“The phrase ’I struggle to find a red lipstick that suits me’ or ’Red doesn’t suit me’ has traditionally become a call to action for me by now. Of course, first of all, I corrected her eyebrows a bit. After that, the jigsaw puzzle ’put itself together.’”

What a pretty young lady. Her eyes are divine & her skin barely needed to be touched at all! If you left her skin natural, then she has perfect skin & no need for any foundation or other forms of 'coverage'. I'd only have given her under-eyes a slightly brighter look, maybe with less 'smudge' underneath, but she's perfect as she is & just that touch of pink underneath the lip-gloss ... & her own eye make-up style was already perfect. Brushing her hair over that little bit to give it a touch more body also made a big difference. I'll bet she'd look like a Christmas tree angel if she had 'bangs'!
“Polina is 19 years old. The main task of makeup for her is to hide her reddish cheeks, which are literally ’on fire’ because of emotions and retouching. But I considered it necessary to first highlight incredibly beautiful eyes and show the beauty of her beautiful, smooth and young skin. And I left the cheeks as they were, because they are tender and pretty!”

The daytime make-up look is certainly a huge improvement! Her lip colour & shape did nothing for her, especially as she already has naturally very pretty lips. Her own eye make-up was great for evening, but the soft daytime look is very pretty indeed. Your use of colour & brightening on her skin is perfect for both day & night. The only change for evening would be a deeper lip colour (keeping to her natural lip shape) ... & whilst using the same eye shape that she had whilst adding the smokier eye-colour.
“Maria, 24 years old. When talking to her we discovered that at the moment she hardly ever wears make-up. And what you see in the ’before’ photo is more of an option for the evening and not for the daytime. But not so long ago, Maria was walking around every morning wearing makeup like that. My goal was to show my vision of daytime makeup for her.”

My goodness, Lena is so lucky to have that part Asian appearance! Doesn't she realise that this is what European women attempt to achieve by using eye-liner with wings & smokier shadows? Lena also has gorgeous natural round eyes & beautiful pouty lips. I really liked the skin colour & coverage that you've chosen for Lena ... as well as the lip colour. She could even add just a touch more pretty colour to her lips as they are such a gorgeous feature that she should be showing off more. I also noticed that she's relaxed her forehead in the 2nd photo which is also softening her appearance.
“Lena said that she is constantly ’struggling’ with her Asian appearance, trying to adapt it to European standards. She sees her skin with telangiectasias and enlarged pores, with uneven pigmentation, etc. But I never see any of that and I don’t disagree with any particular appearance. My task is to emphasize all the possible advantages that my protagonist has. And that’s what I did.”

I love what you've done with Lisa's make-up! You've kept it edgy & her style, whilst giving her the opportunity to make it work 'for' her as opposed to against her. The skin-tone that you've used looks lovely, and her lip colour is very pretty without competing with the rest of the make-up. I love that you've shown her another option for her eye make-up that really works ... as it opens up her pretty face whilst allowing her naturally Really pretty icy blue eyes to shine through. I hope that she loved it as much as I do!
“Lisa is 19 years old. She is stunning. When I received her application, I didn’t hesitate for a second to accept it! We talked for a long time about life, about what makeup means to her in general. I felt that I didn’t want to change her, I understood her message and I got to work.”
“This time, an amazing eye trauma surgeon named Uma turned to me for a transformation. Mostly, she was concerned about pigmentation and vitiligo, which appeared after her pregnancy. On the left is the makeup Uma gets every day, and on the right is my version with ’minimal’ makeup.”
“And this was the first metamorphosis with which, in fact, it all began.”
What type of makeup do you prefer? Do you think women feel more beautiful when we have our makeup done by a professional?

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