18 Workers Who Probably Say “Oops” a Lot

year ago

Apple co-founder Steve Jobs once said, “The only way to do great work is to love what you do.” It would be nice if people managed to find jobs that aligned with their passion, but not everyone gets that lucky. And for those who do not like their jobs, they might just end up doing the bare minimum — or even less as shown in these photos.

Now I’ve Seen Everything gathered 18 photos that showcased some of the funniest and ’face palm worthy’ job mistakes that we could find on the internet.

1. “In a local gas station bathroom. Nailed it.”

2. “Ground staff pulled the wrong handle and MD-80’s butt fell off.”

3. “Landlord said he was installing shower doors.”

4. “I have to suffer from looking at this every time I go shopping.”

5. “I wonder what came first.”

6. “I was worried I was gonna grab the shampoo.”

7. “Ah yes... repairing the ground, uh.”

8. “Not my job to keep the gate working while installing drainage.”

9. “Put up that speed limit sign.”

10. “They just made the strawberry part too big, so they had to adjust the amount of the others. But it’s still funny.”

11. “I have to look at this every day.”

12. “We call this one, ’The Landlord Supremo’”

13. “Uh, where’s his mustache?”

14. “My wife ordered a bottle of spices, and they didn’t have it in the store, so they shipped it, and it came exactly like this.”

15. Deadbolt’s ready

16. “Aren’t the pickles supposed to be on the inside?”

17. “This one’s kinda impressive.”

18. “New bathroom at work...”

What is the most terrible thing you’ve seen someone do at their job? Was it something that affected you personally or something that affected everyone around you?


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