lovely change...
21 Women Who Showed a Small Change to Your Nose Can Go a Long Way
Many people decide to have a rhinoplasty in order to have the nose they always dreamed of, resulting in a completely new appearance. Sometimes, when they have this plastic surgery, their face changes in such a way that it becomes difficult to believe that they are the same person.
Now I’ve Seen Everything compiled 21 pictures in which different women show the before and after of their surgery.
Doctor Juan Arrieta
1. “This is how amazing her change is 4 years after rhinoplasty.”
2. “Remarkable change 2 years after surgery.”
3. “Before and after 15 months”

Not an improvement. Too narrow and it's pinched at the bottom.
4. “After 7 weeks”
5. “The difference between the photos is 3 months.”

liking both but your like is only one that counts.
6. “I had a rhinoplasty 13 years ago. Here are some before and after pictures.”
7. “Spectacular after 4 years”
8. “Beautiful change 3 years after rhinoplasty.”
9. “It’s a pleasure to see how a beautiful person can become much more beautiful.”
10. “Because the right surgery changes many things”
11. “2 years after rhinoplasty. The change is wonderful.”
12. “A little more than 1 year after her secondary rhinoplasty, she looks as beautiful as this.”

ahh her second surgery ..hope you are pleased that's all that counts. ((for me too long/slopey)
Doctor A. Buğra Cengiz
13. “Big changes with small tweaks.”
14. “After the first year”
15. “Before and after 3 months”
16. “She has been feeling more confident and beautiful than ever for several months now!”
17. “Delighted with the result”
Doctor Turgut Yüce
18. “Only one month after the operation!”
19. “Don’t just change the look of your nose. Balance your entire face to bring out the best in your facial features.”
20. “After the first monthly control”
21. “After the tenth month”
Have you ever considered having surgery to modify any part of your body?
My fear of something going terribly wrong is too real.. if I had the money to fix what I can't with diet and exercise, knowing It could possibly or improved. There's always a victim... was it worth it?

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