15+ People Who Aren’t Afraid to Go an Extra Mile and Make Their Days Brighter

year ago

There’s a belief that we start understanding our parents more only after we have our own kids. We all may have some epic memories from our childhood that could become a small family show. Our today’s article shows how kids are the source of so many emotions for their parents. And now it’s no wonder that every kid is a small universe for their family, and they keep showing us what they’re really capable of.

1. “My exhausted wife, an hour after making it home with our first.”

2. “She couldn’t decide between the two so she’s the Hulk Fairy.”

3. “My wife, holding our son in the same blanket I was brought home in.”

4. “My cousin’s 2-year-old kept getting bitten by other kids at her daycare.”

5. “My newborn and wife on Super Bowl Sunday. We may not have played but I will raise my son right.”

6. A father and son share some precious time together hours after he is born.

7. “My niece found some mascara...and the necronomicon.”

8. “My beautiful Brazilian mother holding up her pregnancy test of me! (’90s).”

9. “Watching a toddler learn is fantastic.”

10. “My daughter with uncombable hair syndrome.”

11. “My son is autistic and asked to go fishing for the first time for his fourth birthday. This was his face for the entire day.”

12. “Watching a movie and my 5-year-old put his hand on mine, looked at me, and said, ’I love you, daddy. You’re a good dad.’”

“Brought a tear to my 37-year-old eye.”

13. “Used a make up app on my 7-week-old son.”

14. “Found this in my old album — my baby and his ’cat of my very own!’ 12 years later, they’re still going strong.”

15. “This roller coaster photo will haunt my son forever. (His normal face for reference).”

16. “Never held a baby, I’ve avoided it so my baby can be the first baby I hold. Today I got to hold MY baby.”

17. “Going away for the weekend, and I asked my husband to pack a bag for our daughter...”

What do you love most about being a parent? What are your most epic parental memories?

Preview photo credit mouthfulof / Reddit


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