17 People Who Don’t Have the Word “Doubt” in Their Vocabulary and Rock Their Lives

2 years ago

A decision to change your life may be a tough one for some of us. We may have lots of doubts when it comes to a radical change, even if this change will for sure be only an improvement. Our today’s heroes are the pros in breaking down their comfort zones and changing their lives to the core.

We at Now I’ve Seen Everything are always inspired by people who manage to change themselves for the better, so we’re sharing some pics that can motivate you.

1. “Had a 4-year battle with food just to make the kid on the left proud.”

2. “I was very popular as a male and incredibly unhappy.”

3. “Today’s makeover!”

4. “Face gains! Didn’t see a huge change until I looked back at my first photo.”

5. “Quit my job as a corporate lawyer so I could have hair like this”

6. “I lost 200 lb and 2 chins.”

7. “The photo is exactly a year apart, proud of the journey!”

8. “I’m a recovering anorexic, quit bad habits.”

9. “I used to be afraid of having short hair because of the weight in my face.”

10. “One year in the making”

11. “Weight loss face change”

12. "Just hit the 6months HRT mark! Can’t wait to see a year and beyond.’

13. “The weight loss is nice, but I’ve dropped a lot of other baggage as well.”

14. “I’m not exactly where I’d like to be yet, but I think I’m finally getting there.”

15. “This has been a 6-year journey of trial and error, constant learning, and adapting.”

16. “I can’t believe how much my face has changed in 2 years.”

17. “A complete 360-degree transformation is possible!”

What is your biggest achievement in life? Which picture impressed you the most?

Preview photo credit throwaway30051987/reddit


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It’s not a “360°” change, it’s a “180°” change. A 360 would put you back at the beginning!


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