so so true!!! Buy a small cabin of your own in the middle of a forest on a stream or lake --- then you can get your solitude!!!!
15 Times Tactless Comments Made Child-Free People Want to Disappear Right on the Spot
For a long time, it was believed that the mission of every person was to have offspring. Child-free couples were judged and felt sorry for. However, recently, more and more people are choosing to live without kids despite pressure from society. We’re sure that judging one’s choice is not a noble thing to do and also support conscious parenting, which is why we don’t think being child-free is bad or dangerous for society. Still, people who have openly declared their wish not to become parents meet a lot of misunderstanding and pressure from their relatives, friends, and even random people. Today, the floor is theirs.



Apparently, granny got her medical degree in her spare time and just didn't bother to tell you! I think saying you have a heart condition should ALWAYS be the END of the conversation! Does she want you to die in childbirth and leave the baby with no mother? Just crazy!

I don't get WHY so many people think it's their job to tell others how to live! Worry about yourself, you goof!


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